Husayn's Sacrifice: What Really Happened in Karbala?
Husayn's shrine at Karbala (Iraq) Muhammad's Death: Shiite-Sunni Split Prophet Muhammad passed away in 632 CE. After his death, majority of Muslims elected Abu Bakr - the Prophet's bosom friend - as the first Caliph of Islam. A minority had supported the right of Ali - the Prophet's son-in-law - as the immediate successor of the Prophet. But Ali had to give up and pay fealty to Abu Bakr when his wife Fatimah - Muhammad's beloved daughter - died mere six months after the departure of her dear father. Ali had two sons with Fatimah, namly Hasan and Husayn; the two grandsons of the Apostle. Uthman's Reign: Rise of Umayyads After Abu Bakr (d. 634 CE), Umar (d. 644 CE) and Uthman (d. 656 CE) reigned over the Islamic Empire and stretched its boundaries from North Africa to West Pakistan. During the caliphate of Abu Bakr, Umayyads made a comeback into the politics after they had been disgraced by the Prophet's capturing of their economic stronghold Mec...